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(1 edit)

Can You Remodel The red one blue one and the pink one please?

Pretty fun concept of a game! It is obviously not the most complex game in history, not does it set out to achieve such a thing, it works as a basic pick up and play brawler to kill some time (and shapes) for a few tries / minutes, and that's great! The graphics are simple enough where they  obviously did not take too many resources from the developer, but distinct enough to convey what they need to convey well enough. Controls can be a bit wonky, especially with the seeming ambiguity of whether Kluh is controlled globally or relatively, however, it's possible to get used to it, but the hud displaying the keybinds to the actions at all times, along with cooldowns serves as a good remedy for this [well, apart from the run toggle, which was super janky, I say that a better solution would be to either have hold the button down to run, or to have it as an actual toggle, because with the state that it's in currently, it feels extremely bad to use,] Regarding sound design, it's not very satisfying, but again, works for what it is; although some hit animations would really help.

Anyways, I've rambled on long enough, thanks for making a game, it was pretty fun, even if limited ^^